The Light Rail Safety and Standards Board (LRSSB) is the central body responsible for co-ordinating advances in tramway safety and setting recognised industry standards.
Since it was established in 2018, it has led the sector in meeting the recommendations made by the Rail Accident Investigation Branch in its report on the tragic Croydon derailment.
Working closely with statutory bodies such as the Office of Rail and Road and colleagues from across light rail, it is now driving continuous safety improvements across the sector.
Thanks to confirmation of funding from the Department for Transport in 2022, it has been able to strengthen its senior management team – boosting the delivery of key projects.
Together with a major upgrade of the Tramway Accident and Incident Reporting system (TAIR), the LRSSB has made significant progress in the area of sector-wide safety risk management and data analytics, including the development of a national risk profile and the updating of models for individual networks.
The LRSSB has also published scores of safety guides, which have been added to its growing online reference library, and it is now preparing to publish an updated version of the Tramway Principles and Guidance document, the cornerstone of light rail safety.

Alongside the three-year funding model, a Memorandum of Understanding is now in place with the DfT, and, combined with continued support from the sector it serves, the organisation is now able to plan for the future in a sustainable, cost-effective way.
This includes the development of a National Safety Plan, which has been agreed by the sector, that underpins key objectives contained within LRSSB’s Business Plan, providing a focus for the delivery of specific and measurable safety outcomes.
The LRSSB team is also supported by two working groups, the Heads of Safety Group and the Executive Group for duty holders, bring together safety professionals and senior figures from across the sector.
Working closely with these groups, together with safety professionals, statutory partners such as the DfT, ORR, RAIB and other transport bodies in the UK and internationally, the organisation will continue to evolve in line with the requirements of the sector.
This effective combination of collaboration and innovation will enable the LRSSB to fulfil its overall mission of further reducing the risk of harm or injury on UK networks.
Main Site
LRSSB, 16 Summer Lane,
Birmingham, B19 3SD
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Light Rail Safety and Standards Board is committed to further improving safety in the light rail industry.