1 Sept 2021
The organisation responsible for driving light rail safety is set to deliver a keynote presentation at a high-profile summit for sector leaders next month.
The organisation responsible for driving light rail safety is set to deliver a keynote presentation at a high-profile summit for sector leaders next month.
The Light Rail Safety and Standards Board is co-hosting the event at the Edinburgh Grosvenor Hotel on September 23, where it will set out its future plans and provide a summary of its achievements to date.
Organised jointly with UKTram, the summit will also provide sector professionals with the chance to take part in a series high-level discussion on the opportunities and threats to the sector post pandemic.
Jamie Swift, UKTram Marketing and Commercial Manager, explained: “Clearly safety is of paramount importance to the sector and the summit provides the opportunity to showcase the vital work being done by LRSBB.
“This includes the development of sector-wide risk modelling and management, the publishing off new and updated guidance documents, and research into the latest safety technology.”
The full programme for the summit is now taking shape and will be finalised over the next couple of weeks. However, the launch of a far-reaching vision for the future of light rail by UKTram, and presentations from senior figures from across the sector, have already been confirmed.
Tickets, priced at £99 for UKTram and LRSSSB members, and £199 for non-members, are now available from UKTram’s online shop at https://uktramshop.org.
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Light Rail Safety and Standards Board is committed to further improving safety in the light rail industry.