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Safety Governance Guidance Published

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A new document providing detailed guidance on effective safety governance for tramway operations is the latest addition to the LRSSB’s expanding online reference library.

Setting out the key responsibilities of those responsible for managing risk on systems in the UK, it highlights the vital role of board members in setting safety objectives and ensuring resources are made available to meet them.


Mark Ashmore, Head of Safety and Assurance at the LRSSB, explained: “The guidance has been designed to help operators comply with legislation and regulatory requirements for safety management.


“It also includes information on useful tools to help achieve this, including the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle and the importance of putting in place a Board Safety Committee to reflect the importance of health and safety to the organisation.”


Other issues covered in the guidance include preparation for high consequence events, statutory reporting and the importance of risk modelling.


The full document, LRG49.0 – Safety Governance Guidance - can be found in the LRRSB reference library, located within the online Safety Hub portal, and can be downloaded here.

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